B Ritish a Ssociation for a Pplied L Inguistics / C Ambridge U Niversity P Ress / U Niversity of S Heffield
Seminar Objectives To bring together researchers working in the field of intercultural communication pedagogy, particularly-but not exclusively-in higher education, so as to develop a dialogue around the following kinds of question: What contribution can a discourse approach make to the learning/teaching of intercultural communication? How far is intercultural communication necessarily interdisciplinary in nature? And what are the implications for teaching/learning? How can intercultural communication pedagogy address the mismatch between textbook accounts of intercultural encounters and the reality of such encounters? Within SLA, how easily does an intercultural approach sit with syllabi whose main focus is on language learning? The discussion will help identify research issues in intercultural communication and SLA and thus lay a basis for future projects.
منابع مشابه
Determination of the elemental distribution in human joint bones by SR micro XRF
1 Vienna U niversity of Te chnology, Atominstitut d . Ö sterreichischen U niversitäten, Sta dionalle 2, A-1020 Vienna , Austria 2 IT C -irst, C entro p er la Ric erc a S cientific a e T e cnologic a , via S ommarive 18, I-38050 Povo, Trento, Italy 3 Lud wig B oltzm ann Institute of O steology, H anusch H ospital of W G K K and A UVA Traum a C entre M eidling, 4th M e dic al D e p artm ent, H an...
متن کاملChemist tells of methods to deal with the morning after
The Provost Search Com m ittee has com pleted interview ing candi-. d a tes for th e position of Provost and has m ade its recom m endations to U niversity P residen t Fr. Theo dore H esburgh . O. Tim othy O’M eara, professor of m athem atics and chairm an of th e Search Com m ittee, declined to reveal exactly w hat the resu lts of th e search are. “ I t’s all in his hands n o w ," O ’M eara c...
متن کاملA Ppl Ica Ti on of a Pulsed Slow -p Osit Ron Be a M to Lo W-d Ensit Y Poly Et Hyle Ne Fi Lm
a D epart ment of Radiol ogical Sciences, Ibara ki Pref ect ural U niversit y of H ealt h Sciences A mi, I baraki 300-0394, Japan b A tomic Physics Lab oratory , T he Institute of Physical and C hemical Research (RI K EN ) W ako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan c H igh Energy A ccelerator Research Organi zation (K EK ) T sukuba, I baraki 305-0801, Japan d Department of Physics, Tokyo Gakugei U niversit...
متن کاملNankai Trough, Japan Trench and Kuril Trench: geochemistry of Fluids sampled by submersible “ Nautile”
' L aboratoire de G éochim ie e l M étallogén ie (C N R S VA 196), U niversité P ierre et M arie Curie, 4 p la ce Jussieu, 75252 P aris C édex 05 (France) ' Faculty o f Science, U niversity o f Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, T okyo 113 (Japan) ' D 3G M , IF R E M E R , C entre de Brest, B .P. 337, 29273 Brest C édex (France) 4 L aborato ire de Géochimie, U niversité L ibre de Bruxelles, 50 Av. F.D. Roosevel...
متن کاملKnowledge, Attitude and Performance of Barbers about Personal Health and Occupational Health
Background & Aims of the Study: Disregarding the health and use of polluted equipment in barbers lead to microbial infection expansion, skin diseases and particularly hematic diseases including AIDS and hepatitis. Hence, the aim of present study is determining the health condition of female barbers of Kangavar city, Iran, in order to improve the hea...
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